A Letter From : PaulyB and
Paul H (AKA the Twin Towers of Paul).
Meditations on the First
Camping Trip. Chapter V(I)
[Forward by Tommy S Forward:
The Twin Towers of Paul
have really picked up the slack this year. They have written extensively (by which I mean Tolkienianly extensively)
on the subject of the camping trip. This stuff is worth reading and I do agree with many of the theories behind it.
But so as not to be outdone, I have created a website and a blog as a centralized location for all the available info.
these can be seen at
and without any further ado, I give you the Opus de Paulus]
To: In No Particular Order:
Kevin, Thomas, Curtis, and Trevor
(AKA 'Kevo (whip it good!)',
the 'Local Legend,' 'The Guv'na'
and 'T-Dog/Tri-Pod' Trevor, respectively. AKA The 'Dirty 1/2 Dozen' AKA the 'East Side Chicken Chokers' AKA 'The Plague of Honor, Refinement, Culture and Civility in an Otherwise Brand-Marketable Future.'
AKA the 'Original Camping Six')
the OCS. (AKA the O-to-the-C-to-the-Mutha-Fuckin-S)
Gentlemen. Behold!
I The Skinny -
My fellow polygamous hetero-life
mates - It is time once again to begin our annual preliminary debate leading up to our annual camping
trip. This year we are a little older, some of us a little richer, others a just more bitter. We are
all a little more mature, wise, but probably less in shape. All in all, however, we havent swelled so much that
we look stupid in shorts and tee-shirts like the other adults, and so we yet again manage to find
the courage to abandon modern conveniences such as showering, electricity, and Taco Bell and instead
enter the wilderness with the barely remembered wanderlust of our explorer ancestors and shout to
the heavens: Yes! We will dress like collage students for another year, andYes! We will hide in the woods
and get drunk on cheap beer like teenagers, and Yes! We will snap towels at each others asses like vindictive
school children, andYes! We will foolishly play with grown- up tools and fire like mindless infants,
andYes! Thanks to our pre-cognitive-developmental behavior, we will be reduced to basic instincts
and bodily functions so that our time will accomplish nothing more than eating and sleeping like
the zygotes we truly are, andYes! I cant FUCKING WAIT!!!
However, last year, I think youll
all agree, were somewhat less than organized. In fact, it was such a clusterfuck that some of us
practically sat the whole thing out, only confirming that they agreed at the last minute. This year, on
their behest, the Twin Towers have discussed it through, and have come to hold opinions on this and some other potential camping considerations.
Their opinion is thus:
1. We will quite mucking about and pick one tense in which to refer to
ourselves and stick to it. If the Twin Towers settle
on the royal 3rd person, deal with it.
2. The OCS should coordinate their availability for the 04' camping
trip in a limited-run chain letter fashion; one letter, moving to one person at a time, in no particular order;
collecting whatever pertinent information available, to the best of each camper's immediate knowledge and ability,
with expediency as impetus, regardless of possible future changes to those plans or any other uncertainties;
ASAP, with no whining, boo-hooing or other fuckery, so that we can all get the ball rolling without
each having to write a million emails. Basically, write what you know about when you can go and
pass it on to one other person. The next person will do the same and so on(details below.)
This letter is intended to act as a quick, clean and fair springboard into this years discussions. We would like
it if everyone gave it a good read, filled out the necessary info (more on that later) and refrain from discussing
more complicated matters until we can do so together, i.e. until this letter is complete. Youll see what
we mean, but first
II The Suggestion -
Weve said we should open the floor to opinions, and
well start by throwing the first stone. (Your own stones have a forum below.) There has been much
discussion on the next subject, and Paul and I feel that the OCS need to come to some form of agreement
AFTER we finish this chain letter: Do we, or do we not continue to invite more and more people along,
and how do we deal with the problems that arise from these invites?
Here's our take: We love
having more people come camping with us. All of those who have invited people have shown great consideration
for the other camper's feelings and personalities when selecting who to invite, and thus far we
have never had a problem with any new invites. We think we can speak for everybody when we say that all of the
joiners so far have been perfect additions to the camping tradition and are just awesomelike Ninjas or tricked
out 70s sports cars or Gold Bond Medicated Powder are awesome, and by that we mean in a general sort of way.
BUT---We have two problems. Firstly, as to the nature of invites themselves: More people means
more difficulty in scheduling, (NOTE* Pauly B correctly pointed out that most (if not all) of the
scheduling problems of last year were between members of the OCS itself. While this is only a reflection
on us and our groups decision-making tactics, it also proves that we need to limit our potential for future
problems.) While last year was a photo finish with the end of summer, what if the problems are worse this year?
Also, so far weve been smart, but also lucky in the fact that everyone gets along really well. But, what if everyone
invited even 1 person? It is important to not loose site of the possibility that as we invite more people,
we have a tendency to invite people less well-tuned to the group. Despite how much we all know and trust each
other, eventually we risk a situation in which people form cliques to one degree or another, and
then its only a matter of time before the perfect serenity quotient that our trip creates is destroyed
until the next year.If that sounds overly cynical, anti-social or otherwise unreasonable to you,
consider our second, and more important problem. Each of us is--quite naturally and for our benefit,
or courseare now, and ever increasingly so, more and more involved in our own plans in our own lives in our
own different locations.
THIS IS IMPORTANT: Thats why the REAL reason for having a camping trip
needs to be reasserted and put back into the spotlight: The OCS are high school buddies and great friends.
Its true and we should admit it: Were lucky to have each other as friends, especially since its been more than
a decade since we all met. We got something rare, and we should think of this camping trip as a way to make sure
we don't drift apart.
SOwe want to come out and put this up for discussion: 'How- bout''
We keep an open invite for all those invited in the past, and, agree to invite no additional people. ALSO(and
this is a very important point on which both Pauls agree) to minimize the growing potential for scheduling
problems, the camping trip should be coordinated based on the availability of the OCS alone. This means that
all additional invites are subject to our timetable, and if they cant make it, then theres always
next year.
HOWEVERNot to be total dictators over newer invites (some of whom have come for several
years) we will take their timetable into considerationbut leave the final decision to the OCS. Basically
if the OCS determines it can go on one of two weekend, and one of the newer invites cant go on one
of them, we should pick the free weekend. If we are going to be dictators, We should be benevolent dictators.
FINALLYwe should use the letter to create an email list, so we can easily send everything to
everyone at the click of the button. (I, for one, being the younger Paul, have no idea how to do
this, perhaps Elder Paul or somebody with more technological knowledge (Im assuming like me this will
also not include Curtis) can whip this up in some fashion.) (Sorry to have preached outside and above his experience,
the elder Paul begrudgingly admits that he also is unaware as to how to do thiscan anyone help?)
lets wait until we get our own shit straightened out. If everyone agrees to the above idea, we should focus on
just getting the reservations made quickly and with the least amount of fuss. (I, Paul Bactually,
for sake of me not sounding self-absorbed, you should assume that all random parentheticals are
voiced by mejust got the sign up form for reservations by the river at my parents house). After
that we work out the rest. If, however, you disagree with the above suggestion, make note of it in your addition
to the letter, but lets hold off emailing each other until we establish a mailing list. After everyones
info is collected, then we can start talking turkey.
III The Facts -
what to do:
STEP 1.) Add your information below, which should include:
A.) Your current
contact information; email(s), phone number (s) and home address(ses-se-seses (We want everyone to be able
to talk to everyone with no problems. Also, once we have a site and a date we need to know where everyone is
so we can get everyone to the party.) B.) Your availability (to the best of your knowledge, of course.
A general time is okay), C.) Any financial information you feel comfortable enough to share, including,
at least, how much you would be willing to spend. (This will be important when deciding where to
go and what to do. Do we want to go white-water rafting this year? Can we swing a trip to Colorado? These may be pipe dreams
but we wont know until we talk about it. (On the flipside, having all of us there is more important
than quibbling over who pays what. No reason we can't help each other out, right?)) D.) You transportation
status, if any. KevOwe want planes, trains or automobiles. If you can supply a truck, please let
us know. E.) Your ideas for where we should go, what we should do, and why. F.) How
long you think we should go. One night? 34 Nights? G.) Whether or not you agree to limiting the scheduling criteria
to the OCSs concerns, why or why not, and if not, then your own opinion. H.) Everyone you've invited
in the past (regardless of if they came) and anyone who you plan to or already have invited for
this year. Please do this regardless of whether or not you agree with our ideas above. This is the only way we
can know who were talking about when we're talking about additional invites. I.) That persons contact
info, so whoever gets the fun job of coordinating everything will have all the necessary info. (And
if you dont know for surefind out! Lets get this done right the first time.) J.) Any other camping-related
beefs or problems that you remember or can foresee. Make sure these are discussed non- specifically,
as right now our main goal is to have everyone on the same page, and not to instigate a discussion.
STEP 2a.) Send it to just ONE member of the OCS, keeping the original letter intact, so that
we all have the same copy.
STEP 2b.) If you are the last person to receive
this, delete everything but the info we need and forward it to everyone in the OCS
The Fat Lady -
We know it looks like homework, kids, but this is really the best way to get
organized. From this letter, we can pick our place and time with a quickness unparalleled. After
that's finalized, well have a list of all of our concerns and can begin discussing whatever topics we have,
like gear, food, beer, lions, tigers and bears (oh my!)
Anyway, love and stuff, And
thanks for your time.
-The Twin Towers.
(To be fair, much
of this was penned by Hathaway, I merely added interjections and what-nots. I just liked the idea of a
letter being written collectively, which after this exercise it kind of half assedly was.)
is too humble. Whats here is here because we share these opinions, Im just the one who had the time and the requisite
caffeine buzz.)
Paul H
semester create But the school hasnt yet released the course schedule,
so I dont know if Ill be taking which classes when, meaning that this is a worse case scenario in
which I have classes both semesters that begin on the first day and end on the last day. Thatd be
a first. Moo-lah: Unless god grants me a pimp-suit, Im looking at a possible $200 Max. Trans
migratory tendencies: But, I do have a new car and am willing to drive long distances. (No CD Player tho.) Local:
I want to go back to the river where we used to go. It rocked, the town rocked, the drive didnt suck. Length
and Breadth: I think bare min 3 day fri-sun. In a perfect world, we would all make the sacrifice (real martyrs,
we are) of taking a couple days off extra and extending the thing to 5 days and 4 nights. Is that possible
for anyone else other than myself? Limit Invites? You know I agree. Im the reason this took you
half an hour to read.. Beefs? Camping not long enough. Can we manage a long weekend this year, preferably
off-season? More poker, please.
B Cashflow: As long as we keep it relatively the same as the last few years,
Im cool. Trans: Pinky is down. I repeat Pinky is down. No more pink station wagon. As of now Carrie
and I are down to one car. So that sucks, Locale: I liked the easiness of the cabin, but you cant
drink there in the summer. The river certainly has a nostalgic mystique to it. Im game for anything.
Time: I think either three nights or expanded two night standard is the way to go. Like, ala year
one, we crash at someones house on Thursday, then ALL leave early Friday, come back on Sunday. (More
time for collective hugging, circlejerking and what not.)I dont like this whole everybody arriving
piecemeal thing thats been happening. This last year, we didnt have most of the group together until
late Friday and we all werent together until late Saturday. Limit Invites: I am the other twin tower.
I concur. Beefs, Qualms, Etc: More vomiting. Only Curt vomited last year. We need more yacking.
More upchuck. More oral bowel movements (oh shit, gross.). _________________________________________________________
Tommy S
Flow: as per usual but I will clarify that at a later time but 300 plus
Trans: Company Car and Corporate Gascard
Locale: Preferably extensive water access.
The river is always a pleasure
Time: At least three nights. I think that at Two full days are necessary
to make it a retreat/vacation. Any shorter in my opinion, makes it too hectic. It also eases the burden of simultanious
arrival although I favor a caravan, I am willing to let that go in favor of more time camping proper
Invites: I agree that we have nearly reached capacity Beefs, Qualms, Etc: More frisbee and lake or river and
significantly less "The List." I mean for Fuck sake is this the Manly Man Camping Trip or Bitches of the world unite.
We have enough to argue about naturally. Fuck that shit. thats just my opinion but any pussy that disagrees with
me is gonna get the hose. Compiling top fives is always pleasant but the Barbara Walters Shit is intolerable. Lots
of Love.
Kevin M
Availability: I wouldn't even begin to know. I'll start getting
things in order over the next month or so, but for right now EVERYTHING is in the air. I always seem to work around
things though...
Cashflow: Depends on the no-work-no-mon-nay situation, but I think we've been pretty good
so far.
Trans: Well, I've got my Alero ("Its not your father's Oldsmobile") and depending on whether it's
fixed or not I might be able to commandeer the family van (Montana). This is
all predicated on me making it home and not going straight to camping from DC.
Locale: I have to admit, my laziness DOES dig all up on the cabin. HOWEVER,
that being said, I don't think its the ONLY cabin in Michigan available to rent, so if there is another one, the drinking
can still happen AND most importantly there will hopefully be greater water access. The River is always fine too.
I've just been pushing for years to think outside the box though. Anywhere is good, as long as its us.
I like as much time as possible. I don't think a four-day weekend is undoable. And I concur with one paul or another,
that the more we get together there all at once, the better. That is, unless it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to come later
than the group we should all leave/come together. So to speak.
Limit Invites: I like the idea of the
OCS being the core, and all subsequent invites can be made AFTER the OCS comes to a conclusion. So the camping can always
be OCS, with very special guest [blank] or Guest starring [blank]
Beefs, Qualms, Etc: I do want to say we
need to retire The List. Top Fives are always welcomed. However, the list is gay-tarded and I made my feelings
totally known last year. I still have them. Poker is good, but we should play with real chips not potato chips.
Is is possible for all of us to grow beards before camping? (trevor is excused) If we can't find a suitable cabin,
can we camp on an isthmus? Where was the guitar last year?